
iron-max Special Price: Iron Max-9 High Capacity Iron, Manganese, Sediment & Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Well Water Filter $1,645.00 $1,645.00

PRO 20 UV System - NSF 55 Class A Certified - This is a special order Item -FREE NSF Certified sediment prefitler package. Special Offer Includes: (1) Reusable Washable 5 Micron Sediment Prefilter Cartridge, 4.5" x 20" Filter Housing w/ 1" Plumbing Ports, Mounting Bracket, and Wrench for easy maintenance. $3,230.00 $3,230.00

Viqua **660002-R K PLUS 80gpm High Flow W/ UV Intensity Monitor - This is a special order Item $6,480.00 $6,480.00

COMMcenter Part # 270272-R. For use with UV-Max PRO-10, PRO-20 and PRO-30 UV Systems - this optional add-on displays UV dose in real-time, alarm history, lamp hours and other performance parameters for 1 or up to 9 uv systems - 512MB SD Card Included! - This is a special order and cannot be cancelled, returned or exchanged once your order has been processed $680.00 $680.00

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